Wear the Haircut of Your Dreams with Long Haircut Specialists in Richmond, VA
Long Haircuts
CocoLemon’s long haircuts artists love the power of transformation they can provide with a precision artistic cut catered to your features and lifestyle! Each of our stylists have their own artistic flair and cut focuses so make sure to check out their work and reach out to your best fit directly to book your first visit!
Anna Gladden
“I love giving guests long layered hair cuts because of how soft they are for my guests to wear. Cutting long hair cuts is my favorite.”

Eileen G..
“I love how a haircut can not only change how you look but how you feel. I’m a big fan of low-maintenance and easy to style hair so my guests can feel their best without the pressure of styling their hair every day.”

Liv Harman
“Long haircuts have so much versatility. It’s nice there is so much room to create different styles but still help me stay in my comfort zone as I’m exploring the cutting world more and more.”

Melanie Watkins
“Creating cascading layers that work with each persons preference and head shape is one of my favorite things to provide my guests.”

Nick Southern
“I love how much texture and volume you can achieve with a long haircut by removing bulk while keeping hair long and healthy.”

Pam Ward
“From your hair’s health to the overall appearance of a style, it all starts with a good haircut. Each one of my haircuts is specifically designed for my guests and their features and lifestyle.”

Rachel Duke
“I think upkeep on long hairstyles are just as important as keeping a short style in check. It's fun creating movement and flow in a long haircut.”