Achieve the Blonde Hair of your Dreams with Dimensional Blonding Specialists in Richmond, VA
Dimensional & Lived-in Blondes
CocoLemon’s dimensional blonding artists love being able to provide guests with a color that’ll pop in all the right places and grow out seamlessly while always maintaining the health and integrity of your hair first. Each of our stylists have their own artistic flair so make sure to check out their work and reach out to your best fit directly to book your first visit!
Alexis Frostick
“I love creating lived-in low maintenance looks because I’m a low maintenance girl myself! I also love that I can make it look like you just came back from a beach trip without ever stepping foot in the sun! Natural/low maintenance looks are my favorite!”

Anna Gladden
“I love lived-in dimensional blonde because it’s low maintenance but can still be high impact. It’s the best of both worlds!”

Caylie Stocks
“Dimensional blonding is the best of burn worlds. Bold & bright, but still a lower maintenance look.”

Chelsea Fisher
“Getting a guest super blonde and dimensional is so satisfying because they get to be super blonde without a crazy maintenance plan.”

Eileen G.
“Dreamy lived in blondes are my all time fave! I love foiling to create a blended look with a seamless grow out.”

Haley Knighton
“Blondes with low maintenance highlights have more fun and easy grow out. Best of both worlds in my mind!”

James Lighthiser
“I LIVE FOR DIMENSION! Give me ribbons of color, soft sun kissed locks, gradient color melts, and EVERYTHING in between.”

Lauren Aghjayan
“Whether it’s high contrast or sun kissed I love creating sunny warm blondes with a pop.”

Liv Harman
“I love that blonding is so versatile, especially with lived-in blondes because it really showcases the importance of working with the shape of the head and what someone already has so they can have the lowest maintenance grow out while having a beautiful color the whole time.”

Margaret Magee
“I love adding depth back into a heavy highlighted blonde because creating shadows within the hair actually makes the blonde pop more!”

Megan Harmon
“I love being able to keep my guests blonde but also know they will be able to go 12-16 weeks in between services if they need too. Lived-in blondes for the win.”

Melanie Watkins
“Creating a dreamy blended dimensional blonde is one of my favorites because it's low maintenance but still makes a major impact for my guests.”

Nick Southern
“I love creating a beautiful blonde that’s high impact and low maintenance creates a gorgeous result every single time truly the best of both worlds.”

Sam Dingmon
“I love dimensional blonding because it gives us the space to give you the blonde of your dreams without the commitment of more intense bonding services.”