Achieve the Hair of Your Dreams with Blonding Specialists in Richmond, VA
Blonding Specialists
Anna Gladden
“I love how many different ways there are to achieve blonde hair, making everyone bright but keeping them healthy and shiny and how big some of the transformations can be! I especially love baby lights because the impact can either be very bold or it can look like it’s growing out of your head!

Caylie Stocks
“I heard blondes have more fun! I love creating a really bright , but not quite platinum, blonde look.”

Chelsea Fisher
“I love foiling hair! Seeing a beautiful blonde brings me joy and foiling hair is therapeutic for me so getting to do both is literally my fav! It brings me so much joy to see my guests excitement when we achieve the blonde of their dreams.”

Eileen G.
“I love making my blondes shine! It's so fun. using different techniques to create custom bold and bright blondes for each of my guests!”

James Lighthiser
“I’m a big fan of summer and sunshine so bright beautiful blondes are a favorite of mine. I love how doing such precise clean work can give my guests a beautiful glowing blonde with a seamless grow out. “

Nick Southern
“I love creating a beautiful cohesive blonde from roots to ends. Blondies, y’all have my heart!”